Thursday, February 9, 2012

Another Tomato thingee

We have loads of tomatoes at the moment, so when I mentioned this to my mum the other night she said "well I have a new recipe I want to try, I need 4 kgs". So we arranged for me to come round after picking Ryan up from school, make a start and she would help when she got home from work. Sweet deal for me as I have done all the cutting, mum has been doing lots of stirring and dad has been playing with the kids all afternoon, plus mum cooked the kids and I dinner. Sweet!
The sauce is still cooking away, but man oh man, it smells really good. Mum had a little on her dinner and she thought it was super.
I even had time to cut out another wrap and I could have done even more but I chatted, had a hot chocolate, looked at facebook. You know a sort of relaxing afternoon. Blair is working late so it made for a good way to spend an evening.

Right, I think it might be time for another hot chocolate

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