Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Family Art

Who would have thought, I brought some $2 cut out cardboard people and the whole family, including Blair and I, spent pretty much the whole afternoon colouring them in. 

A big storm has come across the North Island and we quickly ducked into town to pick up a few supplies as we knew the power would probably go out and if it didn't we wanted to keep ourselves amused without the tv.

The mostly amusing part of the afternoon was watching Ryan teach Blair how to play Chess. He had never played it and I was very surprised to hear and see Ryan's good grasp of the rules. Some may have been a bit questionable but he had a pretty good understanding for a seven year old.

I did manage a small amount of sewing before we lost power. Was sewing in the last seam of the body. Hopefully heading out tomorrow to get what I need for the boarders. Will see what the weather is like. 

So close....

It's so windy and bits from the trees keep falling on the roof. The house is holding up well, barely making a sound. Will be heading off to bed soon, great night to catch up on some sleep.


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