A number of my friends are all into the whole baking, preserving, you know simple living. It was never a choice any of us made, we never defined ourselves as green or alternative, it is just the way we are. And to be fair few, if any of the choices I make, are based on anything other than this is the way I like to do it! I grew up on a farm and a lot of what I do is what I have grown up seeing. In fact I would have been at uni (Serious too) before I even knew you could buy a cake from the supermarket, I just thought every one baked! So when over coffee the other day, my friend said try my chilli sauce I knew I would, I knew I would like it and I knew I would try and make it too. Because that's how we "roll" (yeah ok totally lame attempt at being cool). And it is amazing, I am so glad she found this. Taste like a brought one for sure. So all week I have been wanting and making corn fritters, the best thing to have with chilli sauce.
1kg of tomatoes
I used two massive chilli so maybe 4 or 6
20 gm of garlic
40 grams of ginger
60 mls of thai fish sauce
600 gm of caster sugar
100ml red wine vinegar
place half the tomatoes, all chillies, garlic, ginger and fish sauce in a food processor and blend to a fine puree, add the remainder of ingredients (less remaining tomatoes). Blend again. Put into a large pot, slowly bring to a boil. While bringing to the boil cut up remaining tomatoes to about 5 cm chunks, a bit less is o.k. I just blended mine, but for not as long.
Once boiling stir to stop burning and boil for about 30 mins. And to be fair, while it is cooking it smells rather awful,
Now the other thing I have been working on is a travel high chair. I think it is quite cool, it is all made out of fabric so it can be folded up and put in your nappy bag, easily transportable and can go in the wash! Plus it can be used on most chairs. I think it is fantastic. I have made a couple so far, with good results, I have one in my Face Book shop, I am thinking about taking these to a market and seeing how they go. I have seen slightly similar versions but they were all real baby fabric and I wanted something a bit funkier. I like baby things in cool fabrics. And as you can see Mr Bear likes it too.
I have made myself a skirt too, I love it but as I am home alone, well kids in bed, I can't get a good photo of it, so I might post about that tomorrow. I am so pleased with it, and even better I measured and made the size according to the chart and it fitted, usually they don't and I feel fat. So going to bed feeling good.
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