Saturday, May 28, 2011

A bit of baking

Yesterday I had a small amount of free time, you know that time when you have NOTHING planned, no jobs that need doing, nothing!!! So I had read in the Recipes + magazine about some biscuits I thought would be nice. That is funny in itself as I usually hate making biscuits, no idea why, I just don't like making them. They are called Chocolate Mint drops, but once reading the recipe, they really should have been called Chocolate Drops with mint icing. So I changed them a little, I also did two batch's and made one with mint and one with raspberry. The raspberry ones have turned out sort of Black forest like, so pretty darn fine!

And yes I used loads of evil food colouring. I don't ice our cakes and things that much, so a bit here and there isn't that bad. Besides they have tried both flavours and don't like them. Lucky the neighbours son was over and he did.

Chocolate Mint drops:

185 grams butter
1 cup caster sugar
1 egg
1 and 1/4 cups of plain flour
1/4 cup of self raising flour
1/2 cup of cocoa
I added 1 tsp of mint flavouring (and one of raspberry in a second batch)

Oven at 180 degrees and bake for 15 mins.

Beat butter and sugar and then add egg and beat. Mix all the remanding ingredients. A teaspoon balls worth on mix and then on to a tray.

Well I guess it is off to eat more biscuits


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